Delhi showroom creates impact for green companies
The sustainability showroom at Business Sweden’s office in New Delhi has transformed into a virtual mode during the covid pandemic.
“We have had nine digital workshops altogether,” says Pawan Tahlani, Senior Project Manager at Business Sweden in New Delhi.
It is the first showroom of its kind to showcase Swedish cleantech such as renewable and energy efficiency technologies in the Indian context. “Sustainability by Sweden – Showroom India” was launched by the India-Sweden Innovations’ Accelerator in 2018.
“The interest has been great, even after we had to stop receiving physical visits in March 2020 due to the pandemic. Our nine workshops have attracted many participants with an interest for in-depth cooperation and we expect that they will result in at least 40 leads for Swedish companies,” says Pawan Tahlani.
One workshop had the theme of clean air and eight Swedish and 30 Indian companies collaborated. Tata Group has participated with six different companies in two different workshops, which Pawan Tahlani considers very successful.
“We expect the events to lead to several pilot projects and commercial collaborations between Swedish and Indian companies,” he says.
Based on the positive experiences, the Swedish Energy Agency and Business Sweden are now investigating the possibilities of taking these lessons further to other contexts and a feasibility study has been initiated.