
Elpanneteknik is a Swedish private company and one of few world leading experts within High Voltage Electrode and Low Voltage Element Steam and Hot Water Boilers.

The management has experience from more than 1,000 boiler installations in almost 50 countries. This within District heating/cooling, Nuclear, Marine & Offshore (including India), Pharmaceutical, Dairy, Breweries, Car Industry, Papermills etc.

With an efficiency of almost 100 %, Electric boilers from Elpanneteknik provide an economical, sustainable, silent, pollution free alternative or complement to traditional oil or gas fired boilers regardless application.

A key focus area is Thermal Energy Storage where the boilers in combination with accumulators are used for utilizing difference between “peak and valley” period where there is a need of hot water.

Considering ability to regulate the boilers from minimum maximum output within less than 30 seconds, the boilers are used for balancing the electrical grid.

In co-operation with leading investors, the company has developed a business model based on Build Own Operate Transfer and localization of production, assembly and operation of plants which 2012–16 has generated profitable organic 8 x turn-over growth primarily from exports to P.R. China.

Expertise areas

There are several suppliers of low voltage electrical boilers within India but no producer of high voltage electrode boilers.

Comparison with fossil fuelled boilers:

  1. 99,9 % thermal efficiency
  2. No air pollution
  3. No noise
  4. Less maintenance
  5. 60 years lifetime of boilers versus normally 15 years for fossil fuelled.
  6. Less total investment, no fuel system, chimneys etc.
  7. 0–100 % capacity within less than 30 seconds enabling balancing of grid
  8. Thermal energy storage
  9. No fuel transport within urbanized areas
  10. ”Valley period” electricity – often cheaper than coal & gas


The boilers, for production of steam or hot water, are either made for low voltage or high voltage.

Low voltage boilers are mainly element boilers, although an electrode boiler is sometimes preferred. Element boilers range from 18 to 6,000 kW with supply voltages between 400 and 690 V.

High voltage boilers are always electrode boilers. Electrode boilers range from 4 to 80 MW with supply voltages between 6 and 20 kV.

As Elpanneteknik provide all electric boiler types we can always propose the most efficient solution.

Customer segments

Theoretically all customers utilizing any type of boilers regardless segment.

Main focus: Grid balancing, thermal storage. District heating systems if available. Big scale consumers of hot water within urbanized areas (industry, hospitals etc). Potentially windpower plants in need of grid balancing close to hot water consumers.

Why India?

Huge population, high air pollution within urbanized areas, high growth, increasing environmental focus, local competence for production, assembly, financing etc.

Specific partnering interest

  • Investors interested in BOO/BOT mode and environmental projects.
  • Producers of pressure vessels / steam and hot water boilers.
  • EPC contractors

Highest priority for initial feasibility study: Access to electricity prices locally peak/valley period + information of cities or areas where governmental policies for reducing air pollution, supporting implementation of green/cleantech.

Key team

Mr Mårten Björk, Chairman & CMO. Serial entrepreneur with international boiler experience.

Mrs Jing Zhao, board member. Expert within project financing, BOO/BOT and marketing.

Mr Leif Kring, board member. Sales Director with 30 years experience from electrical boilers.

Mr David Levin, Sales/Project Manager with 20 years experience from electrical boilers as well as from acting as project manager within nuclear industry

Mr Magnus Lindvall, Project Manager with 15 years experience from procurement / project management internationally.

Mr Fateh Junesi, Experienced mechanical engineer/designer

Mr Axel Franzén, Experienced Supervisor for assembly boiler plants (as well as for complete offshore rigs etc).

Mr Lars Kring, board member. Aftersales Manager with 30 years experience.

Ms Angelica Oscarsson. Economist with experience from Letter of Credits, Logistics etc.

Mr Mads Madsen. Experienced commissioning engineer / electrical designer.