
Since 2002, A-Antennas is dedicated to designing and manufacturing antenna HW for smart metering/grid/IOT/M2M/smart cities. We have participated in large scale AMR rollouts in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Spain and Germany.

Expertise areas

Challenging RF (radio frequency) environment in smart metering requires specific antenna designs.


Antenna HW, RF and data cables, splitters, installation brackets.

Customer segments

B2B, utilities (electricity, water,gas), metering device manufacturers.

Why India?

Very large AMR/smart city projects have been announced lately, yet the market is still at an initial stage.

Specific partnering interest

Utilities, smart metering device manufacturers, distributors in this segment.

Key team

Mika Nylund (Vice President Sales)
Jari Paananen (Vice President RF Engineering and production)
Christer Sporrong (President, General management)