European Composting Systems

European Composting Systems (ECSAB) specializes in designing versatile waste management systems tailored for organic waste. ECSAB’s solutions include drum composting and steam sanitization to efficiently handle local bio-waste. The primary focus lies in producing clean and pathogen-free end products conducive to recycling. The recycled output can be reintegrated into the market, minimizing CO2 emissions through shortened transport distances. ECSAB provides four main products: drum composting plant (scalable for manure, sludge and other biological waste), steam hygienisation plant (scalable for chicken manure and/or sludge with steam), biogas plant (small-scale container-based for 2-6 tonnes/day of food waste, industrial waste etc.), and water treatment plant (small scale container based for 20-200 m3/day grey water and from three chamber wells).

Participation in ISIA: 2024–2025