
EcoLoo’s tagline – eliminates poverty through sustainable toilets – describes our commitment to achieve the related SDGs through our sustainable solutions that lead to huge social, health, economic and environmental impact. EcoLoo comes with awareness, education, passion and motivation to change the world and make it a better place.

EcoLoo has an inclusive business model which is a commercially viable solution to expand the access to goods, services and livelihood opportunities for low-income people and to tap into the potential of the base of the economic pyramid by including them into our value chain as our employees, raw material suppliers, distributors, retailers or customers.

By using our award-winning sustainable sanitation solution EcoLoo, gallons of clean water can be saved from being flushed into a septic tank, a sewage treatment plant or oceans/rivers, and millions to billions of dollars from being spent on sewage treatment, sewage transportation and energy consumption.

Value propositions:

  • Peace of mind / No headache
  • Water conservation
  • Less infrastructure investment/expenses
  • Access to hygienic and odour-free sanitation in remote locations
  • Better focus for students in schools with a lack of toilet facilities
  • Access to proper/comfortable sanitation

EcoLoo will have a positive impact on water, energy, environment, health, women, dignity, poverty, organic agriculture, food security and quality society, well-being and stability in many ways.

Most of our competitors are different from our solution in terms of water usage, odour, energy consumption, comfort, ease of use and maintenance, treatment technology and the by-product generated in the system.

Comparisons with available toilet solutions in the market (PDF, 737 kB, new tab)

Expertise areas

Our patented eco-social innovation toilet system EcoLoo employs bacterial culture to treat the waste and create organic fertilizer which is pathogen free, yet rich with nutrition.

The uniqueness of EcoLoo:

  • Eco-friendly, durable, affordable, appealing, fits in any culture and society, and can be used by washers and wipers. Users can sit or squat.
  • Easy to use, install, uninstall, move and maintain.
  • Minimal water, sanitation and maintenance cost.
  • No bad odour at any time, during and after use of toilets.
  • No water consumption for flushing, water is used only for washing or personal hygiene.
  • No energy demand to treat the waste.
  • No major construction work or piping or access to STP or IST required, just connect to the ventilation fan and drain the liquid fertilizer out or to the fertilizer tank or container.
  • No more clogging or flushing issues.
  • No removal of solid waste required, no sewage creation so no suction required.
  • Ergonomically designed for comfort, health and safety.
  • The byproduct is an organic fertilizer that can easily be collected, generating passive income to the owner (payback period 3–5 years).
  • It comes in various designs and shapes: sitting, squatting, indoor, outdoor, permanent or temporary and suitable for all purposes in any weather conditions.
  • Reduction of infant, child and maternal mortality.
  • Better quality, smarter, greener, resilient societies.
  • Savings on public expenses: waste treatment, sewage treatment plants (CAPEX) and maintenance cost (OPEX).
  • Reduction of pollution and carbon footprint.


High-capacity sustainable toilets for indoor and outdoor use.

  • Eco Basic
  • Eco Tent
  • Eco Classic
  • Eco Deluxe

Customer segments

  1. Schools through CSR projects (starting with Swedish companies doing business in India).
  2. NGOs working on WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene).
  3. Events, religious gatherings and festivals. We can offer adverts and visibility of the corporate offering and branding on the toilet boards they sponsor.
  4. Tourism and heritage sites through the Ministry of Tourism.
  5. Millennium Alliance program.

Why India?

There are several reasons why India is a very important market for us:

  1. The Swachh Bharat initiative by Indian Prime Minister Modi.
  2. Half of the Indian population or more than 700 million people, mostly BoP, lack access to adequate sanitation and are still practicing open defecation.
  3. India doesn’t have sufficient infrastructure such as sewage treatment plants or modern piping sewage systems to support the growth of the population. Sewage is dumped in oceans, rivers etc creating a huge contamination problem and environmental disaster affecting heath and killing people as well as destroying the life under water.
  4. Tourists visiting India suffer when it comes to sanitation availability and quality. We believe improved and available sanitation will increase the number of tourists to India.
  5. Students – especially girls – that have access to sanitation are happier, more focused and their attendance/performance will improve significantly.

Specific partnering interest

The partners we are looking for need to be passionate and dedicated organisations that are willing to take the sanitation challenge seriously nationwide with our technology, and are able to invest sufficient funds and support to the partnership until we take it to a much higher level.

Key team

Imad Agi, Chairman & CEO
Areas of expertise: R&D, innovating, marketing, a sustainable sanitation solution expert and speaker on WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

Zuraina Binti Zaharin, Chief Sustainability Officer
Areas of expertise: sustainability, ultimate leadership, professional speaking/training and SDGs